Spamlandian Broadcasting Service

an MC2 news server by spamdude

stable release 0.3.3, last updated 7/8/24
Spamtown Home District, galactic headquarters of SBS


Probably serving a nonzero number of users but who knows?

Recent events



To those who may not be familiar with how news servers work in MC2, don't worry! Adding a news server to a world is a very quick process. First, make sure that you're the owner or an administrator of the world you'd like to add SBS to. Then, open the Statistics window through the sidebar, scroll to the bottom of the World tab, and there will be an input box to link news servers in. Finally, type the URL of this site () into the box as is. Important: putting spaces or a www. in the URL will mess it up! Now, you can switch back and forth between SBS, GNN, and other news servers by clicking on the little red logo square in the left corner of the news ticker.


After setting up its endpoint, SBS may fail to be available on your world for a number of reasons. Most often, the URL in the news server input may be malformed— spaces break the URLs and any errors in formatting happen silently. Another possible case is that your internet may have been out while the game was trying to poll its news servers, in which case you can simply click in and back out of the news server input box to force a re-poll. Finally, this site itself may have occasional downtimes due to unforeseen technical issues, but these downtimes should be few and far between.


SBS is a custom MC2 news server that populates the news ticker at the bottom of an MC2 instance with headlines in the same way that the default news souce (GNN) does. An individual MC2 worlds has a list of news server endpoints, regularly polling each of them for news data.

Spamlandian Broadcasting Service

This is a fun project that I wrote from scratch months ago, right when the specs for custom news servers rolled out. SBS's current domain is actually hosting a complete rewrite of the original project code. The name might be a little misleading, but who knows? Maybe there'll be more stuff for news servers in the future on MC2's side.

Happy playing!


Have something to ask or say about the site, the news, the game, whatever? Send it in! Please be civil.


if you can still see this after a while, something in the js is broken